App Version 1.1.4 Released

Mar 17, 2018 | News

Hey GroundClouders!


Today we released a new build of our app on the App Store: version 1.1.3 build 14. Here’s what’s new:


Further improvements to lower data usage 😁

It’s our #1 priority to ensure we meet our data specification: 22 days of service per month at 8 hours a day driving our app should consume no more than 1Gb of data per month for our current feature set. To ensure we meet that specification we’ve added internal data usage tracking that reports how well we’re doing back to our cloud. We’ve already identified some strange network conditions that caused our app to use more data than expected and this new update fixes some of those things. We will continue to monitor data usage as a major priority of ours.


Better handling of off-network data capture & re-transmitting to cloud upon network recovery

Our app should now do an even better job of transmitting saved location & telematics data up to the cloud after experiencing a period of no cellular data network.


New feature: Manually trigger a route sync with our cloud

Our cloud “pushes” new route data to the iPads using Apple technology called “Apple Push Notifications”. This system works very well, but on occasion it’s possible for a push notification to get lost in the interwebs. We’ve now added a “Sync” button that when pressed will explicitly ask the cloud whether any updates are available. The button even animates to tell you it’s made a successful query to the GroundCloud.

New cloud sync button to force a check for update


New feature: Major Manifest view updates

Our Manifest feature just got even more useful with the ability to:

  • Resizable columns! Just drag the column header lines to make them a new width
  • Turn more columns on or off
  • Deliver stops right from the Manifest !


Some veteran drivers are apparently living google maps and they know where everything is already. With this feature, they can drive and go from stop to stop and now simply tap on the “Deliver” button (or Attempt) and we’ll record the stop as done.

New option to deliver stops from Manifest

Tap on the “Filter” button up top to hide or show which columns you want:

Manifest Filter button view options


Updated: Address positioning on My Drive

So in the previous version of our app the address was positioned like this:

Version 1.1.2 Address Positioning


But now we’ve moved things up and over, giving your drivers more view of the map:

Version 1.1.3 Address Positioning