iPad Setup When Not Using Pre-Configured MDM
Step-by-step instructions how to configure iPads when you are not using our pre-configured MDM solution.
Why was I billed for more active drivers than I am using?
GroundCloud charges by the maximum number of "active drivers" on a given day of the month. But how exactly does our system determine how many active drivers you have? Let's look at an example: Imagine on some days you have 13 drivers go out and on other days...
Why does Safari stall when getting manifests from FCC?
Update: Apple has now released 11.4 that fixes this problem! Update to iOS 11.4 asap 🙂 Bugs happen - even for Apple. When Apple released iOS 11.3 earlier this April they broke Safari in a certain way (Safari is Apple's built-in web browser). The bug looks like...
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