Qualification Certification

Customer Testimonials

I just completed the Train-the-Trainer course with GroundCloud. Going into this class I thought it’d 
be a drag, boring, lecturing safety class of stuff I already knew. But after spending this time with Evan, 
a GroundCloud trainer, I feel 100% comfortable saying that without this class, the safety message I 
would’ve tried to teach would’ve been lacking in every single area. Because of him, I feel confident in 
teaching, speaking and, most of all, moving forward as a reliable, efficient, and completely certified 
trainer to set a new standard of safety at my company. 
Anthony Centrella

KT Glow Inc.

GroundCloud’s Train-the-Trainer program will ensure that you have all the skills and materials needed to satisfy the Qualification Certification contracting standard and will help you develop a culture of safety that will keep your drivers safe and compliant, regardless of when they come on board.

Here’s how it works:


GroundCloud is a pioneer in the train-the-trainer model. Our in-person, in-depth train-the-trainer sessions are designed by a safety professional specifically to meet the needs of contracted service providers. Our safety experts will teach Certified Trainer candidates how to train drivers effectively in safe driving and parking. Classroom, road, and driving range training are all included. 

Certified Trainer Program

Certified Trainer candidates attend our in-person 4-day train-the-trainer class, which will earn them the Certified Trainer designation and enable them to conduct all 1-day Driver Training classes for current drivers and 3-day Driver Training classes for new drivers.

Once your CT candidate graduates from GroundCloud’s 4-day Qualification Certification training, they are ready to begin training drivers. You can find the full write up about the Driver Training process on this page. 

CT Recertification

Certified Trainer certificates expire 24 months from the date of issuance. Certified Trainers need to complete an in-person 2-day Recert Class before their expiration date in order to perform CT functions (i.e. give a Road Test or train drivers). Pre-Screening (Validations) for CTs meeting CT conditions, will no longer be verified by FXG Corp and entities will be asked to use the New MGBA Qual Cert Status Live Data Link to review eligibility.

Certified Trainer and Qual Cert expiration dates for assigned service provider personnel can be viewed by logging into MyGroundBizAccount (MGBA) and navigating to the Main Menu > Workforce Information/Documentation > Qualification Certification.


Enrollment Driver Training Program

As part of the contract standard, all drivers will be required to go through the Qualification Certification to be fully approved. This training will consist of:

  • New drivers will complete a 3-day program, current drivers will complete a 1-day program.
  • Unladen vehicles, branded or unbranded
  • New drivers must also complete a road test in a vehicle classified by the size and weight. This will allow them to operate that size vehicle & smaller while performing logistic services.

Driver Recertification

Drivers must be recertified by an eligible Certified Trainer or Qual Cert vendor through 4-6 hour classroom training. Recertification is free of charge for drivers.


Added Bonus

When you sign up for Qualification Certification training with GroundCloud, you receive a “bonus class!” This free, additional course will include topics such as:

  • Understanding the safety contract
  • SRI and SRS review and how this impacts FXG’s CSA score
  • Leadership skill set overview
  • Creating and maintaining a corporate safety culture




The cost of GroundCloud’s Qualification Certification Class for Certified Trainer candidates is $2,750.

The cost for Recertification of a Certified Trainer is $1,775 for the 2-day in-person training.



Pre-Screening (Validations) for CTs meeting CT conditions will no longer be verified by FXG Corp and entities will be asked to use the MGBA Qual Cert Status Live Data Link to review eligibility.

You can verify the Qual Cert status and expiration dates of your CT’s and Drivers by logging into MyGroundBizAccount (MGBA) and navigating to the Main Menu > Workforce Information/Documentation > Qualification Certification.

New Certified Trainer Enrollment

Step 1: Verify your Certified Trainer candidate meets all requirements

Step 2: Email ttt@groundcloud.com to register a CT candidate for a class

Step 3: Purchase your tickets and prepare your travel plans

Step 4: Enroll your candidate in the Learning Management System on GroundCloud.io to activate the pre-class training content

Step 5: Have the enrolled candidate complete their pre-class assignment

Step 6: Ensure the enrollee arrives at least 15 minutes prior to class start


Recertification Enrollment

Step 1: Verify your Certified Trainer candidate meets all requirements

Step 2: Go to https://groundcloud.com/events/ to register for a class near you

Step 3: Enroll your candidate in the Learning Management System on GroundCloud.io

Step 4: Ensure the enrollee arrives at least 15 minutes prior to class start

Qualification Certification GroundCloud logo shield


Contact our Train the Trainer team at TTT@groundcloud.com if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our exceptional Qualification Certification program.