Qualification Certification - Training Drivers

GroundCloud’s Train-the-Trainer program will ensure that you have all the skills and materials you need to satisfy the Qualification Certification contracting standard and help develop a culture of safety that will keep your drivers safe and compliant, regardless of when they come on board.

Here’s how it works.

Once you have a Certified Trainer in your organization or nearby, you can start training drivers through the Qualification Certification process. Don’t have a Certified Trainer? Follow the instructions on this page. 


Driver Training Program

As part of the contract standard, all drivers are required to go through the Qualification Certification to be fully approved. This training will consist of:

    • New drivers will complete a 3-day training program, existing drivers will complete a 1-day program.
    • New drivers must also complete a road test, conducted by a Certified Trainer, in a vehicle classified by its size and weight. This will allow them to operate that size vehicle and smaller while performing logistics services.
    • At the end of the training, drivers must successfully complete the required online training and final exam.
        • New drivers will take the New Driver Training and Final Exam and existing drivers will take the Existing/Returning/Requalifying Driver and Final Exam.

Driver Recertification

Drivers must be recertified by an eligible Certified Trainer or Qual Cert vendor through a 4-6 hour classroom training, pre/post trip, driving range training, with optional on-the-road observation rides.

You can verify the Qual Cert status and expiration dates of your Certified Trainers and drivers by logging in to MyGroundBizAccount (MGBA) and navigating to the Main Menu > Workforce Information/Documentation > Qualification Certification.
You can also use the MGBA Search Bar: Qualification Certification- Workforce Information.


There is no charge for GroundCloud Certified Trainers to conduct driver Certification or Recertification.


Driver Enrollment Steps

You can find detailed steps on how to enroll your drivers in Qual Cert training in this Help Center article.



For additional information, read our Qualification Certification FAQ article.

Contact our Train-the-Trainer team at ttt@groundcloud.com if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our exceptional Qualification Certification program.